Getting Started

This page gives an introduction to maec-to-stix and how to use it. Please note that this page is being actively worked on and feedback is welcome! If you have a suggestion or something doesn’t look right, let us know: (

Note that the GitHub repository is named maec-to-stix, but once installed, the library is imported using the import maec_to_stix statement.


To install maec-to-stix just run pip install maec-to-stix. If you have any issues, please refer to the instructions found on the Installation page.


These instructions tell you how to wrap MAEC content in STIX or extract STIX Indicators from MAEC content using the scripts bundled with maec-to-stix.

Also discussed is the copying over of the JSON indicator extraction configuration files to a user specified directory.

Bundled with maec-to-stix is, which is used for wrapping MAEC Package documents in STIX. It can be found on your PATH after installing maec-to-stix.


Running -h displays the following:

$ -h
  usage: [-h] [--outfile OUTFILE] infile

  MAEC to STIX Wrapper Script v1.0.0-alpha1

  positional arguments:
    infile                the name of the input MAEC Package XML file to wrap in

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --outfile OUTFILE, -o OUTFILE
                          the name of the output STIX Package XML file. If not
                          specified, defaults to sys.stdout.

To wrap a MAEC Package in STIX, just provide the input filename and optionally the output filename, respectively. If no output filename is specified, the script will print the output STIX Package to sys.stdout.

$ maec_doc.xml --outfile stix_doc.xml

Also bundled with maec-to-stix is, which is used for extracting indicators from MAEC documents and outputting them in a STIX Package. It can likewise be found on your PATH after installing maec-to-stix.


Running -h displays the following:

$ -h
  usage: [-h] [--outfile OUTFILE]
                                    [--config_directory CONFIG_DIRECTORY]

  MAEC to STIX Indicator Extraction Script v1.0.0-alpha1

  positional arguments:
    infile                the name of the input MAEC Package XML file to extract
                          indicators from.

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --outfile OUTFILE, -o OUTFILE
                          the name of the output STIX Package XML file. If not
                          specified, defaults to sys.stdout.
    --config_directory CONFIG_DIRECTORY, -c CONFIG_DIRECTORY
                          the path to the directory housing the Indicator
                          extraction JSON configuration files.
    --print_options, -p   print out the current set of indicator extraction
                          options, including the supported Actions and Objects.

To extract STIX Indicators from a MAEC MAEC Package, just provide the input filename and optionally the output filename, respectively. If no output filename is specified, the script will print the output STIX Package to sys.stdout. Note that the behavior of the Indicator extraction is driven by a set of JSON configuration files, covered in Indicator Extraction Configuration. For more information on the indicator extraction process itself, please refer to Indicator Extraction Process.

$ maec_doc.xml --outfile stix_doc.xml

The other script bundled with maec-to-stix is, which is simply intended to copy over the installed JSON indicator extraction configuration files to a user specified directory. For more information on the indicator extraction configuration files, please refer to Indicator Extraction Configuration.


Running -h displays the following:

$ -h
  usage: [-h] outpath

  MAEC to STIX configuration copying script

  positional arguments:
    outpath     the output directory into which the MAEC to STIX Indicator
                extraction configuration files will be copied. If the directory
                does not already exist, it will be created by the script.

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help  show this help message and exit


The only argument to the script is outpath, which should point to a directory into which the JSON indicator extraction configuration files will be copied. Note that if this directory does not exist, it will be created by the script.

$ "temp\json_config"